Custom Bubble Cushioning in Bundles, Pouches and Mailers

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Bubble wrapTM and bubble cushioning are sold by the industrial bundle at standard widths of 48", 60", and 72 inches with a length of 250 feet for 12 inch, 500 feet for 3/16", 375 feet for 5/16", and 1000 feet for 1/8 inch bubble.  Retail Bubble wrapTM bundles are shorter rolls at 125 feet in length.  Dispenser boxes are designed for customers with small packing needs where a 3/16 inch bubble roll at a width of 12" is packed in a dispenser box with 125 feet of bubble cushioning. 

Many of our customers require special slitting and perforations in their Bubble wrapTM.  Slitting refers to how the bubble cushioning bundle is cut or slit into individual rolls (re: 48" bundle can be slit into 4 equal rolls or 12" rolls also referred to as slit 4/12"). 

Bubble wrapTM can be custom perforated at virtually any point on the roll with standard slitting at 6, 12, and 24 inch marks.  Perforations make it fast and easy to tear the bubble cushioning roll for more efficient packing with standard perforations at 6, 12 and 24 inch marks.

Greeno Supply stocks a wide variety of Bubble WrapTM and bubble cushioning at all times for our customers.  These item are eligible for free shipping within our distribution area of a 30 mile radius around our facility in West Springfield MA 01089. Customers can also pick up at our warehouse.  Deliveries outside our distribution area will have to ship LTL on a skid with a shipping charge 

What type of Bubble wrapTM are you looking for?  Please fill out the form below and we can give you a quote.


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