Make Your Own Disinfecting Wipes: Supplies and Tutorial

At times, you may be looking for an alternative to disinfecting wipes. Either the supply chain is low, and your favorite brand is out of stock or maybe you are just a DIY type of person. Either way, let Greeno help you DIY your own disinfecting wipes!

The Power of Clean is in Your Hands

Why settle for the ready-made disinfectant availability in stores when you can have a consistent supply you can easily make yourself? After all, if you want something done right, you do it yourself!

These kits are the highly efficient and cost-effective solution for your workplace sanitation efforts. Plus, they’re designed to be simple to make and safe to use. With your own wipes you can truly monitor the cleanliness of your workplace.

Make Your Own Disinfectant Wipes Bundle-  Use Your Own Disinfectant

What You Get
  • 2 White Gallon Buckets with Lids
  • 6 High Quality Wiper Roll Refills
  • 6" x 12" Wipes 180 Wipers per roll, Total of 1,080 wipes
Just add your favorite disinfectant!

  1. Put 1 refill Wiper Roll into the bucket.
  2. Pour Disinfectant [Your Favorite Disinfectant] onto wiper roll until saturated - use about 1/3 full of Gallon.
  3. The wiper will absorb the disinfectant quickly.
  4. Feed the wiper from the center into the hole on the lid.
  5. Close lid on the bucket. 6. Pull wiper out of bucket one at a time and disinfect surfaces as needed

Make Your Own Surface Disinfectant Wipes Using our EPA Registered Disinfectant

What You Get
  • (4) 1 Gallon Buckets with Lids
  • 1 Case of Heavy Duty Wiper Refills
  • 2 Gallons of DBK Disinfectant (Effective Against Human Coronavirus!)
  • Makes 1,200 Disinfectant Wipes, 6" x 12"

  1. Put 1 refill Wiper Roll into the bucket.
  2. Pour Disinfectant onto wiper roll until saturated - use about 1/3 full of Gallon.
  3. The wiper will absorb the disinfectant quickly.
  4. Feed the wiper from the center into the hole on the lid.
  5. Close lid on the bucket.
  6. Pull wiper out of bucket one at a time and disinfect surfaces as needed.


DBK Disinfectant Properties:

VIRUCIDAL* PERFORMANCE (*Indicates 2-minute contact time is required for this claim.)

This product kills the following viruses in 10 minutes on hard, non-porous surfaces:

  • Avian Influenza A/Turkey/Wisconsin Virus, Avian Influenza A (HSNll Virus, Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1, Herpes Simplex Virus Type 2, Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1* (HIV-1) (AIDS Virus), Hepatitis C Virus Hepatitis B Virus, Human Coronovirus, Influenza A/Brazil Virus, Influenza A (HIND Virus, Respiratory Syncytia! Virus, Vaccinia Virus.
  • A completely ready to use cleaner and disinfectant for hard, non-porous surfaces.
  • Mildew static, Fungicidal,Virucidal, EPA Registered.
  • Clean Fresh Scent/Blue Color.

Trusted Premade Disinfectant Wipes

Does your janitorial crew prefer to use ready-made cleaning products? Then make sure you get the ones that will actually kill germs in your facility. Here at Greeno, we pride ourselves on supplying businesses, like yours, with top-quality products they can rely on, not just name brands. We recommend the following disinfecting wipes for maximum pre-made efficiency:

Hand And Surface Alcohol Wipes

Product Details
  • 75% Alcohol
  • 12" x 9" heavy-duty wipes
  • 65 count per bucket
  • 4 buckets per case
  • 260 wipes per case

11100 Everwipe Quat Formula Cleaning Deodorizing Wet Wipes

Product Details
  • 900 wipes per bag
  • 4 bags per case
  • 3600 wipes per cas

Now with re-sealable bags!

When cleanliness = healthiness, business owners can’t take any risks. Office cleaners and disinfectants are more important than ever, and we are here to make sure that you never run out. From wipes and powders to sprays and solutions, get all the germ-killing products you can trust from one reliable source—Greeno.

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