When the supply of brand name wipes can’t meet the demand, it’s time to get creative. We have to rethink wipes and come up with effective alternatives that meet the demands of cleaning, disinfection and sanitation.

Which brings us to our next point. There’s a real difference between the three:

  • Cleaning: Removes dirt and germs
  • Sanitizing: Lowers the number of germs
  • Disinfecting: Kills germs

All three forms of “cleaning” are essential to maintaining a healthy workplace. With the pandemic, having the necessary recommended items and wipes to fulfill these functions are more important now than ever.

So how can you rethink wipes to maintain maximum facility hygiene?

All the answers are inside our FREE guide. When the stores run out of wipes, you’ll know all the incredible alternatives for ready-to-use wipes, wipers & sprays, and how to make DIY wipes. These highly effective re-thought wipes will meet all of your cleaning, sanitizing, and disinfecting needs and your janitorial team will never be in the lurch.

Rethinking Wipes Guide teaches you all the tricks and best alternatives for when brands are out of stock.

Continuous cleaning power is now in your hand!

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