Polyester Strapping

Polyester is the most rigid of all strapping materials. It elongates significantly less than polypropylene and retains tension over a longer period. Polyester is nick resistant and can be sealed with seals, heat or friction welds. Frequently used on heavy duty loads that need high initial tension along with high retained tension. Common applications are empty cans and bottles, lumber, and heavy, rigid palletizing. Polyester is available in both machine grade and hand grade and is easy to dispose of and to recycle. 

Other attributes of Polyester Strapping include:

  • Combines the strength of steel strapping with the safety and economy of plastic to maximize performance.
  • A more secure load at a lower cost than many alternatives
  • High retained tension- stays tight... 50% tighter than nylon, and up to 5 times tighter than polypropylene strapping.
  • Safety- Safer than steel strapping; weighs about 50% less, steel tends to recoil with potential serious cut hazards, PET strapping does not have this same hazard.

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