You Just Found the Perfect Replacement for Styrofoam

Say goodbye to Styrofoam and hello to Chill R Insulation Packaging! Chill R is an innovative paper pulp insulation packaging product that is strong, lightweight, and environmentally friendly. With Chill R, you no longer need to worry about the hazardous waste generated by Styrofoam or the impact on the environment. Chill R is the perfect alternative for businesses and individuals looking for an eco-friendly way to ship goods. In this blog post, we'll discuss the benefits of Chill R and why it's the superior insulation packaging option.

Our Commitment to Better Shipping

At Greeno, we are committed to making shipping easier for our customers. Whether its protection for irregular shaped products, upgrading your tracking capabilities, or just saving money by making your own void fill, we want every part of the shipping process to be easy and reliable. In that spirit, we’d like to introduce:

Chill R Insulation

Chill R insulation packaging is a green and sustainable alternative to Styrofoam packaging. It is made of recycled paper pulp, which makes it biodegradable and eco-friendly. This insulation product is designed to keep products at a stable temperature during shipping, making it a perfect solution for perishable items like food, beverages, or medical supplies. Its unique design allows for maximum insulation, which ensures that the products stay fresh for a longer than with traditional insulation. The best part? Every piece of Chill R Insulation is fully recyclable, making it an environmentally friendly and sustainable option. Not convinced? Keep reading and you’ll be ready to say Goodbye to Styrofoam and Hello to Chill R.  

Dangers of Styrofoam

Styrofoam is a widely-used material which poses a significant threat to the environment. Styrofoam is not biodegradable and can take hundreds of years to decompose, leading to an accumulation of waste in landfills and water bodies. During the manufacturing process, Styrofoam produces hazardous chemicals that can harm both humans, animals, and plant life. Polystyrene, the material used to make Styrofoam, is created from non-renewable fossil fuels, further adding to the negative impact on the environment. With the increasing need to shift towards green alternatives, businesses are turning towards more eco-friendly options such as Chill R insulation packaging. By opting for a Styrofoam alternative such as Chill R, businesses can reduce their carbon footprint and do their part in creating a more sustainable future.  

The Three Rs of “Chill” 


R-Value refers to a material's ability to resist the transfer of heat. An R-Value of 5.175 means that our stock size of 1.5 inch thickness can maintain an internal temperature for up to 56 hours, with external temperatures ranging from 25-31 degrees Celsius.


Chill-R helps to reduce landfill waste by using recycled paper fibers and other renewable resources in its durable construction.


For maximum sustainability and ease of use, Chill R Insulation can be placed in any curbside recycling bin, extending the life of the materials used in production.

Chill R Benefits Your Business & Your Environment

By switching to Chill R insulation packaging, you can enjoy these benefits and more while also doing your part to reduce waste and protect the environment.


Sustainable Materials, Durable Construction

Chill R insulation packaging is the perfect green solution for businesses looking for a Styrofoam alternative. Unlike traditional packaging materials, Chill R is made from recycled paper pulp and can be recycled in any curbside recycling bin.

Customer Satisfaction

With increasing consumer demand for eco-friendly packaging options, using Chill R can help businesses reduce their carbon footprint and appeal to eco-conscious consumers.

Effective Insulation

Chill R Insulation’s unique construction allows it to maintain consistent temperatures for extended periods, ensuring your perishable products arrive in top condition.

Ease of Use

Chill R insulation packaging is lightweight and easy to handle, making it simple to pack and ship your products. Chill R stacks flat, maximizing your facility space.

Money Well Spent

Sustainable materials and quality construction combine to create a cost-effective option that outclasses Styrofoam at every opportunity.

Ready to Ship

Chill R Insulation Pad Sets come in several sizes designed to conform to standard shipping sizes. Available by the pallet, combining orders of A- and B-Pads gives your products ultimate protection. For special orders the manufacturer is able to offer custom sizes upon request.

Email [email protected] for a quote, a sample, or more information about Chill R Insulation.
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