A Common Sense Ways to Decrease Sick Days at Work and School

Each year, students miss approximately 60 million days of school due to the spread of communicable illnesses such as the cold and flu.

Greeno Supply recommends the Best and Simplest way to reduce Absenteeisms by students and staff is Better Education on the importance of Hand Washing.

The web is full of stories and studies about hand washing and none of them are good.  According to a report done by CBS News, "95% of people that used a restroom do not properly wash their hands before leaving".  A story by the Huffington Post reported that the average handwashing time in a restroom study was six seconds. 

The Center for Disease Control (CDC) recommends a 20 second scrub.  This is the equivalent of singing the song, "Happy Birthday" twice.

Better education on this topic would include educating student within the school curriculum.  The CDC has many downloadable resources on their web site for this purpose.  A Handwashing Lesson Plans for Kindergarten-Sixth Grade can be found at http://www.mass.gov/eohhs/gov/departments/dph/programs/id/epidemiology/handwashing.html.

Another recommendation would be to hang up posters in every restroom as a reminder of the importance of hand washing.  You can find an assortment of downloadable and printable posters on our web site in English and Spanish below:

clean hands save lives.pdf
clean hands save lives spanish.pdf
cover your cough english.pdf
did-you-wash-your-hands english.pdf
did-you-wash-your-hands english.pdf
?how and why to wash your hands ma english.pdf
?how and why to wash your hands ma spanish.pdf

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