Greenough Packaging & Maintenance Supplies CEO, Sandy Cassanelli, Starts Fund for Breast Cancer Research

(Sandy Cassanelli pictured with her family at the "Taste for the Cure" 2016 event)

Greenough Packaging & Maintenance Supplies, Inc. CEO, Sandy Cassanelli, and her fund partner Heidi Grise, started the  new fund called, "Breast Friends Fund".

They hosted their first fundraising event, “Taste The Cure", on April 8, 2016 at The Gallery in Glastonbury, CT

With over 250 people were in attendance, the event SOLD OUT in only 2 weeks of ticket sales! 

The Breast Friends Fund raised an impressive $30,000 for Dr. Winer and his research team, for Metastic Breast Cancer at Dana Farber Cancer Institute.


Sandy and Heidi have dedicated a lot of time and energy into raising funds to find a cure for breast cancer. 

Sandy Cassanelli was diagnosed with Metastatic breast cancer in April of 2015 at 39 years old


When breast cancer spreads to other parts of the body, such as the bones, brain, liver, or lungs, it is called metastatic (also referred to as advanced or stage IV).

Although it is not curable, metastatic breast cancer can be treatable.
Today, with new therapies including biologic targeted treatments and novel drug combinations, women with metastatic breast cancer can live well for many years.


Dr Eric Winer joined Dana-Farber/Brigham and Women’s Cancer Center, where he serves as director of the Susan F. Smith Center for Women's Cancers Breast Oncology Program.

Dr. Winer is also the chief of the Division of Women's Cancers at Dana-Farber and the Thompson Senior Investigator in Breast Cancer Research. He is a Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School


Sandy and Heidi and "The Breast Friend Fund" has committed to raising $100,000 for Dr Winer and his research team for Metastatic Breast Cancer at Dana Farber Cancer Institute.

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