Reopening Recommendations: Ask the Experts At Greeno Supply

Reopening Recommendations: Ask the Experts At Greeno Supply

It goes without saying: the Covid-19 pandemic is a bad situation. To make matters worse, there have been shortages of Purell hand sanitizer and Purell dispensers, Lysol spray disinfectant, PPE like masks and shields, nitrile gloves and vinyl gloves, some antibacterial soaps, and especially disinfectant wipes.

But hope was never lost in the war on germs!

As the Covid-19 pandemic was unfolding across America, Greeno Supply was helping customers by recommending supply items that got the job done. These items included valuable germ eliminating agents like disinfectants, hand sanitizer, hand sanitizer dispensers, antibacterial soap, masks and PPE options, social distancing screens, etc.

The Cleaning Case of the College Facility Manager

One of our customers is a facility maintenance manager at a college. They wanted to purchase our Jobs Hand and Surface Alcohol Wipes for their classrooms. The idea was that their students could wipe down desks between classes, creating a constant disinfection routine. This facility manager felt that since these alcohol wipes followed CDC guidelines (70% alcohol), that they were the best choice.

However, we informed the customer that alcohol wipes would be a good solution for their problem…but that we have a better and less expensive alternative to Lysol wipes and Clorox wipes: Make Your Own Disinfectant Wipes Bundle.

We guaranteed these wipes would do the job and help save the school money—a total win-win!

Trusting the Greeno “seal of approval,” our customer bought the Make Your Own Disinfectant Wipes kit and gave it a go. They paired the materials in the bundle with a surface disinfectant they already purchased liked to use. The combination was a total success! Now, the college will be placing a bucket containing 180 wipes in each classroom so that desks and chairs can be disinfected between classes.

Make Your Own Disinfectant Wipes Bundle

What’s In The Make Your Own Disinfectant Wipes Bundle & How Does It Work?

The kit comes with:

  • 2 dispensing buckets
  • 1 case of wiper material
  • It can be purchase with or without disinfectant


Put it all together, and the Make Your Own Disinfectant Wipes Bundle makes over 1000 wipes!

Here’s how you prepare the wipes:

  • Put the wiper roll into the bucket
  • Pour the disinfectant onto the wiper roll using about 1/3 of a gallon
  • Then, feed the wiper from the center of the roll into the bucket hole
  • Close the lid

Et voila! You have made your own effective disinfectant wipes and saved money in the process!

In the war on germs, facility managers and business owners have to get creative to meet their sanitation and disinfecting needs. The college facility manager is just one example of the customers we’ve helped by recommending alternative products. Across industries and across the nation, our recommendations have made facilities like schools and offices safer for the students and professionals alike. If you need help or recommendations ask the experts at Greeno Supply at [email protected] or fill out the form below.
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